Project Status
Local initiatives around the Project
RICA” (Reading Implementation Compass Approach)
- A new approach to teach reading has been developed, named “RICA” (Reading Implementation Compass Approach). This methodology is used instead of the traditional Jolly Phonics approach which according to Peter is not adapted to local conditions of Africa
Teachers In Need
- The purpose is to improve the competence level of teachers in other schools throughout Uganda and to spread the use of the RICA approach
- Training sessions are run by Peter himself, sometimes in Kampala and sometimes in other towns or villages in Uganda
- 60 workshops held in 2018 for 1.500 teachers
- TIN is a source for financing the Rising Star school (in addition to the fees paid by the parents)
Teachers connect
- The purpose is to connect un-employed teachers with schools looking for teachers in East Africa
- All schools included in the program have been visited by a person representing the initiative
- The registered teachers are offered a training program
- In order to register a teacher has to pay 20.000 shilling and another 30.000 when getting a job
- 130 teachers got a job thanks to this initiative in 2018
Connection portal between teachers from Uganda and centers in Uganda
- Find out the Teacher Connect portal where you could sign up for job search and professional busquweda offers.
A community built by teachers.- Teacher Connect is a free online community for teachers. Share ideas, ask questions, and collaborate with teachers like you.
Know who collaborates with Helprisingstars:
- To be organizations of reference for the most disadvantaged people and communities of the world, in such a way that they find in our organization a channel to improve their quality of life.